domenica 21 giugno 2015

L'Importanza delle scienze applicate: se anche Harvard punta di più sull'ingegneria

The growth of jobs around Digital Business forecast the continued rise of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Here is a story about the recent $400 million investment in STEM at Harvard.  The important quote is presented below so you don’t have to dig for it, but the rest of the article is worth reading.

I understand the vocabulary, but the reality of it is, the most powerful governance body at Harvard, the Harvard Corporation, realized that Harvard, which got along for a very long time without having a first-rate engineering school, in the 21st century was not going to be able to remain one of the greatest universities in the world if it didn't have a first-rate engineering school.

Call it brand protection if you want. I would just call it an awakening to the problems of the future, in the way that they were problems of medicine in the 20th century.

In the 21st century, many of the most important problems of the world are going to be engineering problems and information science problems and computational problems. We wish Harvard had figured it out sooner, but there are advantages to taking it up now, because we can make it the way that we want to make it for the century that we're going into rather than having the inherited structures of 19th-century engineering.

Worth the read if only to note the shift that is occurring in academia right now.  The largest class at Harvard is CS50, the entry level computer science class, with over 800 students.

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